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Bring your Manager of Corporate Service to a breakfast celebrating your school leadership team! WASSEA and WAMCSE, which is the professional association for Managers of Corporate Services, are holding a breakfast function to reinforce the importance of leadership teams working together to create strong, effective and dynamic schools. This reinforces the work the Department has undertaken in developing a ‘Comprehensive Leadership Strategy’. We have been fortunate in securing Prof Geoff Masters, CEO ACER, as a keynote speaker along with Kath Ward, Principal of Kent Street SHS.
Country members – we hope you will take your MCS out to your local café for breakfast and join by ZOOM!
When: Wednesday Nov 15
Time: 7am for a 7:30am start
Who: School leadership teams – minimum MCS plus principal (and as many deputies as you like!)
Where: Ascot Quays, 150 Great Eastern Highway, Ascot. OR your local café (Join by ZOOM!)
Cost: $25 each for two or more members of either association plus $25 per head additional members. Non-members $50.
To register:
Metro members: Check your email for the code to access the 50% discount. Register at https://plis.det.wa.edu.au/?EventID=19225
Country members: Book a spot at your local café or self-cater and join us through ZOOM. We have a sponsor to pay $30 towards your cafe breakfast for the first 10 schools to register. Registration is free – we will just send you the money later if you are successful! Register at https://plis.det.wa.edu.au/EventDetails.aspx?EventID=19251